Monday 11 April 2016 by Company factsheets

Moneytech Finance Pty Ltd AUD 3M BBSW+4.65% 17-April-2022 subordinated bond

Moneytech Finance Pty Ltd AUD 3M BBSW+4.65% 17 April 2022 subordinated bond

Moneytech is a commercial finance company which was founded by CEO Hugh Evans in 2003. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of US domiciled Source Financial, Inc (Source), since a reverse merger in mid 2013. Since the merger, Source has divested of all prior business units, and today consists of its Australian asset finance and payments businesses. Moneytech offers two main products:
Credit Express which is a trade finance product offering limits from $25,000 to $5m, and; Confirmed Capital which is an invoice receivable product with limits from $250,000 to over $10m